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Knitwear wash, can not be done haphazardly. As well as wash cloths, each type of fabric needs a way different treatments. Similarly, the Knitwear. Knitwear for washing, warm water is required.Why you should use warm water? Because warm water is able to make a loose knit bond becomes bound again (no elastic).

Before washing, Knitwear, make sure the combination of the yarn used when knitting does not fade. Usually, I ask the seller a thread if the thread that I will buy, wear off or not. If the bleeding, do not combine knitting with white yarn so that at the time of washing, the knitted white does not fade because fade. Here's how to wash Knitwear:
  1. Prepare a warm water, put detergent in moderation. If you want Knitwear washed plain white base color and want to be bleach, put bleach taste. Soak in warm water a few minutes until it is cool.
  2. Kucek slowly so that the threads are not damaged.
  3. Knitwear rinse with warm water, rinse again in cold water.
  4. Squeeze gently, and basking in the shade are not exposed to direct sunlight.

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